Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Chow hall

When I arrived here, the outgoing ER doc told me the saga of the chow hall here on base. It had originally been promised for April, 2004, but got delayed. And delayed. Delayed again, and again. Finally, there was going to steak and lobster on August 29th. Needless to say, that day came and went with no steak and lobster. The beams just laid in a pile, rusting. The outgoing ER doc left. Still no chow hall. The main problem was that no contractors were willing to take the risk to come and work here. Eventually, a group was hired to build it, and they showed up. They actually started work. They levelled the ground and started building. Yesterday, we found out that the target day for opening has been delayed indefinitely. It seems that the engineers installed the superstructure upside down. Now they need to try to figure out what to do next. Go figure. I blame it on the low bidder system.


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